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Typewriter with a hidden Mini Album by Tanya Scrap

 In Frosty Colors

Typewriter with a hidden Mini Album 

Hello dear friends! 
I am so happy to share my first project as a design team member for Alchemy of Art. I created this Typewriter (I used the template from Tara's Craft Studio, you can find the link here ) with a hidden Mini Album featuring the STUNNING In Frosty Colors collection. 

Herewith the supplies and step by step instructions you may use to recreate such a project:

Supplies used:

White Cardstock 
White Board
Watercolor Paper 
Red Double Sided Tape 
Double Sided Tape 
Metal Embellishments 
Frame Cutting Die
Adhesive Foam Squares 
Crinkle Ribbon 
Flatback Pearls

1. I used white board as the base for the box shapes. Cover these pieces with the pattern paper from the In Frosty Colors collection. Assemble accordingly. 

2. I used the 8x8 collection for the little Mini Album. Score 6 of these sheets in half and trim off an extra piece measuring 7.5 cm. These pieces will be used as inserts for the frames. 

3. Cut some frames from watercolor paper and adhere some double sided tape at the back. Remember to keep one side clean so that you can slide in the insert. 

4. Fussy cut some elements from the In Frosty Colors Wedding Day collection for decoration for the typewriter and album. 

5. Adorn the rest of the typewriter with metal embellishments, gold flatback pearls and the album with some crinkle ribbon. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Papercrafting!