• 1
    Podaruj wyjątkowej osobie, kartkę stworzoną przez siebie.
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  • 2
    Najpiękniej przechowywać uwiecznione wspomnienia w albumach ręcznie robionych Przechowuj je w albumach.
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  • 3
    Zainspiruj się i poznaj moc zabawy z mediami.
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  • 4
    Ozdób swój dom własnoręcznie stworzonymi projektami. Pozwól sztuce zamieszkać w Twoim domu.
    Czytaj więcej
Witaj! Welcome!
Cześć, mam na imię Karolina!

Zapraszam Cię do świata papierów, masek i stempli stworzonych z pasji dla pasjonatów.♡

Hi, my name is Karolina!

I invite you to the world of papers, masks and stamps created out of passion for enthusiasts. ♡

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Najnowsze na blogu

December Daily - Christmas Junk Journal by Elena Martynova

Today I want to share with you my December Daily 2024!
I combined two collections by Alchemy of Art in it: last year's "Merry Christmas"
 and the new "Ho ho ho".
The cover is decorated quite succinctly. I took only a few clippings from this sheet of paper
 A A-EXT-HO-03 PAPIER and some decorative elements. The album will be actively filled in all month and I would not want anything to come off or crumple from the cover.
One of my favorite parts of this album is the SOUND it makes - I tied jingle bells into the binding so it makes super festive jingles and jangles as it's being handled!

I've prepared a video review of the album for you, but you can get a better look at all the details in the photos. Some pages are richly decorated, and some I left almost without decoration. Either they are very beautiful in themselves, or I needed more space to record the events that will happen.
In my album you will find a huge variety of decor ideas that can be used to create not only December Dailies, but also cards, envelopes and album pages.
Enjoy watching!

I hope you have found one or two things that have inspired you and hope to include in your December Daily! I love this tradition and looking back through them every year!

I used:


Until next time...