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Witaj! Welcome!
Cześć, mam na imię Karolina!

Zapraszam Cię do świata papierów, masek i stempli stworzonych z pasji dla pasjonatów.♡

Hi, my name is Karolina!

I invite you to the world of papers, masks and stamps created out of passion for enthusiasts. ♡

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Gift box - tunnel with a secret from the fantasy Alice collection by Natasha Matvienko

 Have a nice day, dear friends! Today I am with you, Natasha Matvienko!

Here is our first meeting in the new year 2025! And in our new creative season! I am incredibly happy and glad to represent my favorite brand, to be part of such a talented and creative team!

Having seen the incredibly chic new collection about Alice, I decided that the first work this season would be from it!

I created a complex gift box. This is a tunnel box, where each layer of the tunnel slides out and turns into a separate box! In the very middle there is a mini-album with a pocket hidden!

Of course, I will definitely show a video review a little later!

A fantastic, fantasy collection with many elements for cutting, prompted me to create a whole world of Alice in miniature!

How do you like this gift idea? 😍

I used: