• 1
    Podaruj wyjątkowej osobie, kartkę stworzoną przez siebie.
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    Najpiękniej przechowywać uwiecznione wspomnienia w albumach ręcznie robionych Przechowuj je w albumach.
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    Zainspiruj się i poznaj moc zabawy z mediami.
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    Ozdób swój dom własnoręcznie stworzonymi projektami. Pozwól sztuce zamieszkać w Twoim domu.
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Witaj! Welcome!
Cześć, mam na imię Karolina!

Zapraszam Cię do świata papierów, masek i stempli stworzonych z pasji dla pasjonatów.♡

Hi, my name is Karolina!

I invite you to the world of papers, masks and stamps created out of passion for enthusiasts. ♡

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Photo frame from the 'Our Adventures' collection by Alyona Ivchik

 Hello creative friends!

I am Alyona Ivchik and today I want to show you my first project, made for Alchemy of Art :).

I decided to create a completely unusual photo frame for a child’s photo (hehe, here you can see a picture of me with my lovely cat). I chose the incredibly beautiful 'Our Adventures' collection, which is filled with fussy cut elements, stunning illustrations and has its own mood.

So, I created a photo frame; it's made in the form of an open book, I tried to give it volume and show it from all sides.

I like when creativity is filled with meaning, and I can apply the same to my projects: almost every work contains a plot. Here you can see a forest house on a tree, curious animals located on one part of the book, and on the other - a place for photography.

The collection incredibly reflects my memories of childhood: I spent a lot of time walking outside, climbing trees and running with the neighbors' dogs in a small field near the house. I wanted this frame to be able to convey these tender feelings and help preserve memories.

I hope this work will inspire you to create your own amazing projects from the 'Our Adventures' collection. I assure you, it's simply amazing!
