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Witaj! Welcome!
Cześć, mam na imię Karolina!

Zapraszam Cię do świata papierów, masek i stempli stworzonych z pasji dla pasjonatów.♡

Hi, my name is Karolina!

I invite you to the world of papers, masks and stamps created out of passion for enthusiasts. ♡

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Creating a holiday card from the Happy Time collection by Natalia Matvienko


Have a nice day, dear friends! Today I am with you, Natalia Matvienko! I liked the mischievous, cheerful, bright collection “Happy Time” so much that I decided to create a set of postcards for the photo frame (I showed the process of creating a photo frame quite recently). I made a detailed master class based on one of the postcards, and with great pleasure I share it with you!

My cards turned out in the form of sweet, caramel hearts. In the decor I used shakers, rosettes, and many, many cut out elements! I also added sequins and toppings. The postcards are so sparkling with bright lights! Very beautiful!!!

I hope you also like the result of my efforts! 

Have fun creating with Alchemy of Art !

The master class can be viewed here 

I used:

Dzieci Happy Time AA-HT-11

Liczby do samodzielnego wycięcia AA-NUMBER-01