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Witaj! Welcome!
Cześć, mam na imię Karolina!

Zapraszam Cię do świata papierów, masek i stempli stworzonych z pasji dla pasjonatów.♡

Hi, my name is Karolina!

I invite you to the world of papers, masks and stamps created out of passion for enthusiasts. ♡

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Rustic set of coasters by Gill Humphrey


For this project I decided that the beaufiul mountain scenes on the rice paper AA-WOTM-RP-01 would look really pretty on some custom made coasters.

I took MDF coasters and painted half in a pale green and the other half in a denim blue colour.
Once the paint had dried I applied a one component crackle medium and left it to dry naturally before applying cream white paint over the top.
The images on the rice papers were torn out and applied to the dried paint surfaces with decoupage glue and varnish matte.
The next step was to add some text stamping in permenant ink and to add the same ink around the edges of the coasters. The coaster holder was painted with the denim blue paint and then vintage effectmedium was added to the edges and left to dry before adding the cream white paint.
The holder was then rubbed back so that both layers of paint were visible before adding more text stamping and distressing to the edges of the box.

It`s a rustic set of coasters which will make a perfect gift for Fathers Day or for any special celebration we may have for the men in our lives.

Regards Gill