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Cześć, mam na imię Karolina!

Zapraszam Cię do świata papierów, masek i stempli stworzonych z pasji dla pasjonatów.♡

Hi, my name is Karolina!

I invite you to the world of papers, masks and stamps created out of passion for enthusiasts. ♡

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Mini-panel "Elven potions" tutorial by Natalya Trofimova

Hello. friends! 

Natalya Trofimova with you and video tutorial on mini-panel "Elven potions"

A story about two little elf girls who in a cozy magical forest conjure up a new miraculous potion based on mushrooms and pollen of an elven flower 🧚

Working with paints, collection Tales of moss and fern Domyślne and polymer figures ✨

In the heart of a magical forest where the trees were tall and the air was filled with magic, two little elves sat by the fire, preparing to create a new potion. Their eyes sparkled with anticipation as they began carefully gathering the necessary ingredients. They found some rare glowing mushrooms and carefully placed them in a large cauldron. Then they added some water from a crystal clear stream that flowed nearby.

But the most important ingredient was the pollen from an elven flower. This flower grew only in the deepest and most mysterious corners of the forest, and finding it was no easy task. The elves had to navigate through dense undergrowth and jump over small waterfalls to reach this amazing plant. Once they collected enough pollen, they carefully put it into a pouch and returned to their cauldron.

Mixing all the ingredients, they started slowly boiling the potion, watching as it changed color and began emitting a strange smell. As the potion cooked, glowing lights began appearing around them, as if the spirits of the forest themselves had come to watch the process.

When the potion was ready, the elves removed it from the heat and allowed it to cool down. Each then took a small cup and poured herself some of the drink. Looking at each other, they simultaneously raised their cups and recited an ancient incantation that would activate the power of the potion.

Afterward, they both took a sip, and their faces lit up with smiles. They felt the strength and magic penetrate every cell of their bodies, making them stronger and wiser. It was a great day for these little elves because now they could use their new potion to help their friends and protect their magical world.

Hugs. Natalya!