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Witaj! Welcome!
Cześć, mam na imię Karolina!

Zapraszam Cię do świata papierów, masek i stempli stworzonych z pasji dla pasjonatów.♡

Hi, my name is Karolina!

I invite you to the world of papers, masks and stamps created out of passion for enthusiasts. ♡

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A home decor plaque by Gill Humphrey


Today is my first inspiration. It is decoupage decor.

For this make I have altered a plastic charger plate making a home decor plaque to display on the wall.
The focus of the plate is the beautiful rice paper AA SOS RO 09 featuring the bird on a shabby background.
The plastic plate was primed with bonding primer before the rice paper was applied using decoupage glue and varnish. The image was then sealed with two coats of matte varnish before applying find line crackle medium, adding antique paste in umbra and then sealing with several coats of solvent varnish.

To the ouside rim of the charger plate a large number of leaf castings in resin were adhered and then primed with gesso before applying diltued chalky paint in two shades of blue green to compliment the background of the paper. Once the paint had dried the details in the leaves were highlighted with lots of layers of dry brushed white acrylic paint.

Rice paper

I hope you will like my project :)

Gill Humphrey